Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! (and some thoughts by me....)

Happy New Year, Friends!

In addition to the usual New Year’s resolutions that I come up with every year, such as lose weight, pay off my debts, be nicer to others and to the Earth…I came up with a list of Crafty Resolutions.  This was inspired by a thread on the Two Peas in a Bucket message boards.  I tried to find a link and was stumped, so if anyone out there knows which one I'm talking about and would be kind enough to share a link in the comments, I thank you!

So without further ado…My New Year’s Crafty Resolutions:
1.  Learn how to use my new DSLR properly!  I have no idea what I'm doing, folks.  It's always hit or miss.  I'll think I have an awesome shot, then when I upload it to my computer, it's a blurry, fuzzy hot mess.  Along with that, have a working understanding of PSE 11!
2.  Blog more!  I'm so inconsistent.  I would very much like to carve out time in my schedule to blog on a more consistent basis (at least 2-3 times a week?) and relaunch some of the features I'd started and played with before.
3.  Quit comparing my work to others.  Because what does that do for me?  Nothing.  Other than making me second guess my own creativity, making me feel crummy, and taking the fun out of this hobby for me.  I am me and I have my own style and I do what I do and I like it!
4.  Make time everyday to be creative.  Even if it's just for 15 minutes.  Scrapping, knitting, sewing, coloring my niece's coloring books....whatever it takes.
5.  Try something new at least once a month.  This could be a new scrappy technique or a totally different crafting venture I've wanted to try out - aka quilting (quilting scares me to death, btw). 

What are some of your resolutions for the new year, crafty or otherwise?


  1. Great list! I'm totally with you on 2, 3, & 4. Here's to a successful completion of your list in 2013. Cheers & Happy New Years!

  2. I can so relate to your crafty list~ I know you will do it:):):) happy New Year!!!!

  3. great goals! i have a goals post up today as well! thanks for sharing!

  4. I haven't had time to sit down and make my scrappy goals this year yet, happy 2013
