I thought I would share my thoughts about my upcoming December Daily and what I will be including in it as this seems to be a source of bafflement and stress for a lot of us!
Ellie under my Christmas tree 2010This is my first year to do a December Daily and I decided long ago to start it on December 1. Next year, I may rethink this and start the week of Thanksgiving since for me and most other Americans, this is the gateway to the holiday season. I have so much going on this holiday season, I will definitely have a lot to document.
Now I want to take a moment to mention something that is on my mind: I know I’ve heard a lot of people say over my many years of scrapbooking that they don’t know what to document in a scrapbook (and more recently in a DD) if they didn’t or if they currently don’t have kids and that makes me feel so sad. I don’t believe for a second that a person has less of a story to tell just because they don’t have kids. I don’ t have kids of my own yet (and yes, I definitely want some little kiddos someday soon), but I think my life is every bit as interesting and worth documenting as those who do have kids. I have an amazing family, a wonderful girlfriend, a crazy dog, a great job, and fantastic friends. And this year, I have SO many things to look forward to during the holiday season – this will be my niece’s second Christmas (and I’m lucky enough to get to live in the same house with her this year) and my girlfriend is flying over from Ireland so we can spend Christmas together for the first time. So much fun!
So, here’s a brief rundown (with dates, mind you!) of what I intend to record in my December Daily this year. Some dates still have some holes, but I will get those filled in.
December 1 - my Christmas tree
December 2 – Gift wrapping
December 3 – Six Flags Holiday in the Park with the family
December 4 – Family Christmas tree
December 5 – My Dickens Village Collection
December 6 - TBD
December 7 - TBD
December 8 - TBD
December 9 – watching Christmas movies
December 10 – Church Christmas Cookie Wonderland
December 11 – Mom’s Christmas Cantata
December 12 – Our outdoor lights
December 13 – Mom’s Santa Collection
December 14 – Lisa flies in
December 15 – Christmas shopping with Lis
December 16 – my class Christmas party
December 17 – Ellie’s Santa picture, Christmas lights
December 18 – Christmas Cookie Wonderland at Home
December 19 – My wishes for the future
December 20 – Traditions – new and old
December 21 - The things I love about Christmas time
December 22 - TBD
December 23 – Ugly Sweater Party with friends
December 24 – Christmas Eve festivities with family, Ellie opening her Christmas Eve presents
December 25 – Our couple Christmas together, big family Christmas, Horton family Christmas
I really just have 4 more days to fill in and I know things will pop up that I will be able to add in. I’m hoping to attend some Christmas concerts and craft fairs at some point this month so that will be good filler! I have an idea brewing for the 22nd, but I’ll keep it to myself for now. Also, these dates aren’t set in stone for me. I may have something really cool going on on December 4 and decide to postpone the Family Christmas Tree to a later date, but for me it’s important to go into this project with some semblance of a game plan.
Meanwhile, I may not be able to blog everyday of December, but I will try to keep you posted every 3 or 4 days at the very least. Hope everyone has a great week this week and thanks for reading!
My Grandparents' Christmas Tree - 2008